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Palliative Pathways Australia

Terms and Conditions

Service Agreement

  1. The Client authorises  duly appointed employees of Palliative Pathways Australia (PPA)to complete the work specified as outlined in Service Agreement

  2. The Client is to allow for a two (2) hour consultation, either directly (personally)  or via Zoom meeting App  to create the “My Life Plan” or “Advance Health Directive”

  3. Booking appointments are secured upon receipt of $100 deposit, which is redeemable with uptake of nominated PPA Service. Balance to be paid as per invoice within 14 business days.

  4. $100 deposit is non-refundable, except in circumstances described under State and Federal Consumer Law.

  5. Booking may be rescheduled once without penalty. A new booking with deposit attached is required for subsequent bookings.

  6. Should The Customer become delinquent in their Account (greater than 30 days), The Customer may become liable for reasonable costs incurred in the recovery of outstanding debts.

  7. PPA may assist in completion of Advance Health Directives. While PPA may provide assistance with acquisition of Lawyers and Legal Services, the responsibility for Legal Representation with respect to the sourcing of Legal Services, Attorney Signature and Witnesses rests with the Client.

  8. The provision a Power Of Attorney (POA) and/or Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA), is the responsibility of Client

  9. Advance Heath Directives- You should

  • Keep the original in a safe place

  • Give a certified copy to your attorney (s) if appointed, doctor , other health provider, bank or lawyer

  • Notify your close family and friends that you have made an Advance Health Directive

  • Review your Advance Health Directive at least every two years or if health changes significantly

10. Advance Health Directive will be uploaded to “My Health Record” website

11. Advance Health Directive will be uploaded via the Queensland Health electronic records system at

12. Client wishing to register for Organ donation can do so at

13. All Documents, facsimilies, notes, copies, forms and e-mails utilised by Palliative Pathways Australia (PPA) in the provision of Custome Services, whether actual of electronic, are considered Commercial in Confidence and remain the property of PPA.

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